


So many of us, gone through life and life has let us down. you can find yourself stressed out you can find yourself depressed mentally fragile because of the experiences the turbulence that you have gone through I know what it's like to barely hold on to barely feel like you're breathing, and barely feel like you can come up for air. look up and recognize that there is a way out there is path for you to take.

And it's not an easy path it takes courage and it's hard bit what is the other choice? what else can we do? let the darkness completely consume us? be over taken by temptation and vice? no do not accept that you can triumph over these dark forces, you can become better you can be better. Growth Is Faster And Deeper During Your Darkest Days.

Through That Separation, Through That Unemployment Through That Tragedy, Through That Loss. and maybe you've been knocked down in your life and it seems like hey, the fight is over it is not over unless you quit. you take those terrible events in your life and you create a new story of triumph.

And so here's what I say to you there's gonna be times that you're gonna be wondering why should i keep showing up and working my business? why should i keep at it? why should i keep showing up to th conversation?
why should i keep picking up the phones and making the phone calls? why should i keep fighting for my goals and fighting for my dreams? and what i want to remind you is that you gotta show up for your life, regardless of the circumstances.

You Gotta Show Up In Spite Of The Naysayers You Gotta Show Up In Spite Of The Conversation Going On In Your Mind. you gotta show up for your life. because if you don't nobody else will fight your way through this battle your greatness comes from within. and once you realize that, nothing will stop you. nothing will keep you from being great. it's already there, you just have to feel it and know that you are placed here for a reason. 

Fight your way through it fight your way through this battle, fight your way through that academic struggle, fight your way through divorce, fight your way through boxing, fight your way through football. if it was easy, everybody would do it you've gotta this far, if you were gonna quit you should've quite long time ago. you've gotta too far you've come too far to quit now you need to get a reward for it.

I know you may be hurting but just knows after this battle you will come out on the better side. you have to see it, you have to feel it, you have to know that this life was made for many battles. and you were made just for a time like this when the defining moment comes either you define the moment of the moment defines you. either you define the moment, you decide that you're gonna not concern yourself with the naysayers.

That you're not gonna concern yourself with what has happened and what hasn't happened but you're gonna make the commitment to do what you gotta do so that you can have a lifestyle that you've never experienced before or the moment defines you and you decide to play it safe. And 20 Years From Now, You Say To Yourself.

What If I Would've Taken A Chance On Myself? what if i would've stayed in the game? what if i would've kept making the phone calls? what if, what if, and what if. buy let me tell you something, something amazing beings to happen when you make the decision to move forward on your goals and your dreams. If You Are An Underdog You Gotta Velieve Against All Odds.

You gotta learn to close your ears to everybody you gotta learn to block out the distractions and you gotta learn to get focused, alright? be very intentional, very deliberate, very strategic, you're very deliberate about what time you wake up you're very deliberate about what time you go to bed you're very deliberate about what you eat, what you don't do you're very deliberate about the peoples you bring in your life. you are very very focused intentional and deliberate winners win and loser lose.

And if you create a cultures of losing if you keep being a victim if you keep letting losing happen to you if you keep letting peoples do you and Treat You Any Kind Of Way, It's Gonna Become A Culture. Sea, gotta look our trauma in the face we gotta embrace the pain and the darkness and allow it to mold us. the dark times are when we build higher dream harder, push further, love deeper. It's Forming Your Future It's Pushing You Forward.

When You Go Through A Storm It Strengthens You When You Come Through That Kind Of Experience And Able To Reclaim Your Life, You Come Back With A Certain Kind of power and you'll never be the same again after that experience. there's certain things, when you go through those things and you come up out of those things you come up a different kind of person. different spirit, different power, different energy.

Don't ever say when you're going through some rouge time I'm going through a really bad, tragic time no say, I'm going through a character building experience. that setback is gonna become a comeback go through the darkness come out on the other side something new and allow that person to change the world. I know what you're going through countless hours sitting up thinking if your life will ever get better. thinking about everybody that's passed away, that is walked out your life.

There are some things in life that are out of your control that you can't change and you gotta live with the choice that we have through, is to give up or keep on going. I Wanna Ask You, Waht Are You Fonna Believe? Are You Gonna Believe In Yourself, Are You Gonna Believe Everybody Else's Judgement On You? are you gonna believe people when they say that you're a failure and no one really likes you, no one really cares about you? people ask you how you are, and you say fine but you’re not fine, and they'll never know that.

There are sometimes in life where you fall down and you feel like you don't have the strengths to get back up. maybe you have doubt in your life, maybe you don't know for sure what's gonna be happening in the future and it scare you. maybe you're worried about what people think of you, what people say about you just that fear paralyses you and I just wanna ask you today do you think you have hope? you see, i will try 100 times to get up and if i fail 100 times.

If fail and I give up do you think that I'm ever gonna give up? no but if i fail, I try again for as long as I try there's always that chance of getting up.  and it's not the end until you've given up. and just the fact that you're here should persuade you that you have another chance to get back up. there's still hope I wanna challenge you tonight to get up. some of you getting up means, alright here I am I got some challenges I'm tired of being quiet about other of you, getting up means I'm fighting back.

I'm going to a doctor getting up means, I'm going back to counselling getting up says, alright I'm gonna start the medication again getting up is, you know what? maybe I can get a job maybe my mission has not been destroyed by my depression. I'm getting up you gotta get up to find your purpose. I dare you to fail I dare you to take that same class over and over again I dare you to stop dropping classes like you soft. see, getting what you want is up to you.

You can turn your life around if you changes your attitude you change your attitude, you change your altitudes. your mind and attitude is all you need to be successful that's all you need. You Don't Need To Be Born With A Silver Spoon In Your Mouth You Don't Need Money You Don't Even Need Folk To Like You. as long as you believe in you, you got the right mindset,  you got the right attitude we can make it happen. I don't care what's going on around you because it's not what happens around you that determines your success.

It's what happens inside you. and you can't control the elements, but you can control your attitude and you can control your mindset. life is going to see how bad you want what you say you want impose your will on it. life will in to you if it knows you're serious about whatever it is that you're trying to do life will give in to you. whatever you start you make sure you finish it if you do not kill me, you will not stop my drive. no petty adversity will not stop me.

I have to complete every mission that I set out on from this day forward set out to achieve greatness not by looking for someone to give it you but by going through all of the blood all of the sweat all of the hard work by going to work your  own inner greatness free no matter what anyone else's said, or how anyone else's made you feel before it is there. So You Had It Harder Than Other People? well then you're gonna have to work a little harder. but trust me when i say you have greatness inside you.

Wharever we are with whatever hand that life has dealt us we have the freedom of spirit. we can go through life whining and weeping or We Can Have The Kind Of Spirit That Regardless Of What Happens To You, You Can Stand Up Inside Of Yourself. you have an unconquerable soul. It can be painful it will be uncomfortable and that's where the growth is when you're stretching out when you're taking life by the collar. you're gonna get thrown to the ground again and again and again but when you have determinations and you know that what you're doing is right it gives you your life it gives a special meaning and power to you, you being to discover some thing about you that you don't know you've got when you put yourself in that type of challenging situation.

The journey's not easy everyone's hot off the start but after a month or so into it when the wear tear and the grind starts to hit you, start losing focus on the horizon, do you not? You Get Caught Away In The Daily Hiccups The Ups And Downs And The Wear And Tear. and you focus on the speed bumps, the daily activities losing sight of the true purpose most of you won't be successful because when you study and you get tired, you quit. don't cry to give up cry to keeps going. Don't Cry To Quit You Already In Pain, You Already Hurt Get A Reward For It.

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