


No matter what type of xircumstances that you have beens raised In or have experienced you always have the ability to find a way out and creates success for yourself and I had to do that in my own life.I'd see all the college students go towards the campus and I thought to myself "where are they going? What are they doing? why do they look different than the rest of the people there in the group? that always kept in the back of my head. our mother said, "whatever you do, in order to change your circumstance you're gonna have to get an education. 

So I Kept That In The Back Of My Head. no matter what i had to educate myself. i had to get a degree. The people that i saw going to the school down the street, that's something i could do. i had that Vision. i would go to this school that was like in a predominantly well-off area and everyone had books and and paper and really nice shoes. i remember looking at this thinking, "oh I don't have any of that."  Every time I would come back into my neighbourhood I would see the graffiti, I'd see the the trash. i thought to myself, "what makes a difference? Why Are There People Here In This Situation.

Versus here in this situation? Every single day out come back and it came down to this, It was the thinking.  how we think, How we look at situations, whether or not we see ourselves doing well and being successful or versus if we see ourselves as a not successful Person in an environment.  Our thinking defines our life. When we can take hold of our thought and see it for what it is and change it and transform it and change it to convert it into an energy that unleashes a brain power that allows us to change the situation that my friend is how.

We change our lives, that's how we change everyone else's life. What happens I was failing Algebra. I filled algebra, I failed geometry, I filled with calculus and chemistry. uh there was this calculus teacher that said all right I'm going to offer a conflict tutoring for anyone who's willing to come to the campus during the winter. i thought everyone was going to show up there was only myself. i thought to myself, this is such a blessing and i sat there And i picked his brain. i am like "how do i look what does an integral mean? What does the the tangent mean?

What does the instantaneous rate Mean? these are all words for the derivative calculus and I got just sit down with him. That was the first time ever that I realised I was smart. When I sat with him uh it was amazing because I realised what was stopping me was my own fear. It wasn't it wasn't anything with my educational aspect. It was me thinking I couldn't do well in mathematics and when I learnt to remove that fear and think "I'm gonna do this no matter what's gonna happen. I may feel it. I may not fail it.  I'm gonna do well at.

This and I'm gonna just see where it goes. i am gonna put my all into it and find out." And I put my all into it and i failed. But something inside of me shifted. I realised You're feeling wasn't that bad. I can if I can like spend more with more time at it I can actually do really well with this. That was the shift in thinking.  I'm like alright, I'm just gonna spend some more time in it I'm gonna actually get this."  When I overcome my own fear It was when I was working with someone else and  recognising that the person next to me was the exact mirror of myself and as if as I could help that person right. 

Next to me, i was helping myself for the same time and I became this teamwork. every single person on the campus needed mathematics and so i got a chance to know everybody on campus and became one of the most popular people because everyone needed mathematics and that confidence that was built from Taking something that I failed about before And shifting my thinking about it And embracing actually create a new reality for Myself that's what empowered me.

And that's allowed me to graduate topped my class, which later on opened up the door to launch rockets. Through a series of events I learnt the power that we have in our brain.  When I overcame so many challenges when I was launching rockets of being a woman, and in being one a person of colour in a predominantly area that was different than myself, I had to I had to think differently. I had to think, alright I'm going to stand out.  Everything that I do is gonna have to be twice good. That's just the nature of it. i had to change the way in which I was thinking in order to do that. how am i going to be such a contributing.

Force To this moment that Whenever I leave I've made a difference?  When I realised that, and then when I couple that with the aspect of mathematics, where the same type of math that we used to launch to Mars at the same type of math that we used to literally reshape our own brain I realised the power of our thoughts. When we are aware of where we are what we're dealing and more importantly the decision that we have in front of us, the choice in our thought in a situation whatever decision that we make in that full awareness.

That decision in itself is a fractal moment in chaos that literally changes the brain at that very moment to restructure it inside of your head so you can unleash Your Power.  When you look at how are my thoughts going to align with where I want to go and you decide that moment in time where you decide this is a thought that's gonna get me to being a rocket scientist. This is a thought that's gonna get me to be a doctor. This is his thought to get me to be a host of my own show.  I'm whatever it takes, I'm going to have all. 

The type of thoughts that's going to get me closer to where I want to go in the future. When we realise that we have a choice in how we think about things, where we have a choice, are we going to be scared about something, or are we gonna go to for it no matter what's gonna happen, that is when we unleash this power to here. When you were expected to succeed My your mentors are parents or teachers, when there is an expectation on your life to do well, at an early age you adopt it, you address to it, you createit. But if you're never given that opportunity Community to know what you are capable of doing. 

If you are never given that uh that word, that encouragement that says, you know what you can be good at mathematics even though you failed algebra and geometry and calculus and chemistry," which I did. You can actually do well mathematics." If there's not someone Showing you You're worth when you can't see it, You won't forever be looking in the mirror thinking that you're not worth what you are. when you see exactly what you don't want if you can take the exact opposite of that, that's how you find out what you do want For example, when we launched Rockets.

We Knew, Okay, We Didn't Want There To Be An Explosion Out The Jacket, Which Was Like The Side Of The Rocket. We wanted the explosion to go down. So long though "Okay what is the worst case scenario. And the worst case scenario is, okay there will be flames blowing out where we don't want It to go." So we're like, "How could we prevent that? How can we focus on where we do want it to go? Where's the ideal part for it to go?" The ideal part is for all the flames to go down the tubes and through and create a plume. what we had to do in that aspect is literally.

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