


Figure out who you are don't apologize for who
You Are And Then Become Even Greater Than You Naturally Are At What You Are. once you understand that every time you lose it's an opportunity for you to not only learn that lesson but it take it a + 1 step, past the lesson, you'll start to appreciate those lessons.

So many people float down the river of life without ever putting their paddles in the water. Just hoping and praying and dreaming and washing that they're going to end up somewhere good. guys, that's not how life works you know,  you have puddles in your boat you've just got learn to use them.

Humans Do Not Transition To Another Level When They're Comfortable With The Level That They're On. the whole games broken because everybody is too tied up into other people's opinions, i only care about my opinion of myself, and i cares what my mom, and wife, and kids and the worlds think, just not as much as i care about the way i think about myself.

I Had A Very Important Person In My Life Come To Me And Say Who's Your Hero? I don't know, I've got to think about that, give me a couple of weeks I said I've thought about it, know who it is? I said it's me in 10 years so I turned 25, 10 years later, that same person comes to me and goes so are you a hero? And I Was like not even close.

She said why? i said because my hero's me at 35 so you see, every day, every week, every month, and every year of my life. my hero's always 10 years away. i am never going to be my hero i am not going to attain that, i know I'm not and that's just fine with me because that keeps me with somebody to keep on chasing.

You want to be somebody who succeeds? you want to be somebody who builds something? You want to be somebody who people write books about one day? you are going to have to be ok with being bad for a long time. I'm telling you, I've been thinking I've been making calls.

That's what I'm asking you to do, what fuels you? The reason why you're so lazy is not because you don't have the ability you're so lazy because your dream is so small. i dare you to work on yourself for 6 months. I dare you to shut the world. i dare you to shut out all the distractions. i dare you to give up everything that is keeping you from your dream.

If you have a dream don't just sit there make something happen. Sometimes You Just Have To Move Do Something, Make A Call Reach out to someone's, goggle something learn something new write down what you need to do in order To Make A Better Life For Yourself And Be Brave Enough To Do Those Things.

I dare you to take a stand today to say no more I will no longer accept this for my life. I dare you to take action today. i dare you to write your goals down and get someone to hold accountable. I dare you to hold yourself accountable. I dare you, I dare you to give up everything that is keeping you from your dream to say no to all the negative influences.

I Dare You To Pick Up A Book Instead Of A Drink. I dare you to work harder than you think you did yesterday I dare you to prove them wrong. i dare you to prove yourself right I dare you to stand up as a man or as a strong woman as whoever you are. and declare that you're going to claim a bigger and better life for yourself. I dare you to make something happen this week, to take massive action this week.

Drop everything and do something I dare you to walk more than you talk I dare you to do good for the sake of doing good I dare you to tell no about it to be kind for no reason I dare you to spend time a lone. I dare you to say no with pride, no to bad habits, no negative people, to wrongdoing. i dare you to speak your truth i dare you to dream bigger, bigger than they told you was possible for your life.

I dare you, I dare you to walk your own path wherever that leads, whatever they say I dare you to lock the world out for a week and work on you work on your dreams. You're Well And Truly Capable Of Living At A Higher Level. if you do or yo don't that's up to you ask yourself am I happy with my life exactly as it is now? Am I happy staying where I am? If you don't like the answer get to work work on yourself. 

Work harder than you think you've worked in the past more discipline, higher standards, more self-respect, more boundaries, less bs more forward, less backward, more positive, less negative. only those who dare to go after the life most don't have will ever have the chance of living a lifes  most will never have only those who dare to fights for a great life have a chance to live a great life.

What Is Going To Take For You To Change? what's it going to take for you to realize your potential? what is it going to take for you to be proud? proud of the person you are, proud of your effort, proud of the person you've become what is it going to take? when you feel like your professor or you teacher has lost their mind. when you feel like your energy is all gone and it's impossible to finish every assignment on time.

When you feel like you're mentally broken and your motivation to achieve is hard to find. When You Feel Like The Clouds In Your Life Are So Dark It Would Be Impossible To Ever See The Sunshine Again. when feel like those are three of the most powerful words that could ever be put together. when you feel because to feel means you're still with us because to feel means you're still breathing. 

Because to You feel means you still have an opportunity to be achieving because to feel means that you still have the power to stop the pain, stop the bleeding, stop the hurting, stop the grieving, I said when you feel because to feel means you're still with us because to feel means you're still breathing because to feel means you still have the opportunity to be achieving. because to feel means that you have the power to stop the pain still have the power to stop the bleeding.

Still have the power to stop the hurting, still have the power to the grieving so whenever you feel like your professor or teacher has lost their mind. because they're overwhelming you with a workload that seemingly will take up all your time. I need you to pause and recall reason why you made the choice to invest your time and never lose sight of the fact that you are destined to shine never lose sight of the fact that you were made for this grind.

Never lose sight of the fact that no hole is too deep for you to climb up out of and above all else your why will never ever allow you to withdraw you why will never ever allow you to pull the plug. you why will never ever allow you to throw in the towel. see, it's your why that will push you to dig deeper and go that extra mile see not only do you owe yourself but you told your mama you would finish you told your daddy you would finish.

You told your brother you would finish you told your sister you finish so therefore it's up to you to never diminish the value of your work. and a wise man once gave me a wise word and how I'm passing these wise words onto you, you are in total control of your situation. so when you feel like you're facing a breaking point this is the point when you go your professor this is the point when you go to your academic adviser and not the time to despair her and not the time to despise him.

Simply say, I am in this until walk across the stage with my diploma I am in this until I smell the sweet aroma of success and right now, I'm feeling overwhelmed because I'm on academic overload do you have any suggestions that will help me power through this semester? because my only option is to figure this out and whatever it takes I can, I will, and I must do. see I understand that drastic times call for drastic measures.

And the measure of a person's will it determined by what they are willing to do to ensure triumph over tragedy the measure of a person's will is determined by What They Are Willing To Do To Ensure Success Over Failure. the measure of a person's will is determined by what they are willing to do to ensure winning over losing and see right now I'm choosing to fight for my academic future and that's why I came to your office.

I promise when they see that your passion is pushing you with a purpose they will give you every ounce of their being to assure you are successful because they know you're worth it. I just need you to never forget that you're worth it. success is your baby. you just gotta birth it and then kick back and enjoy the fruits of your labor but in the meantime I need you to pull up your sleeves I need you to tighten up your boxing gloves because you're right in the middle of a heavyweight boxing match and life is trying to take your title and your survival in this academic arena is at stake.

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