


If you want to change your life i mean radically improve your life you must first change your perception of yourself it comes down it beliefs  because at the end of the day. no matter how hard you work no matter how many hours you put in if don't believe you can do it you won't do it. You Won't Do It Because When You Get To That Impossible Moment You'll Quit, You'll Procrastinate You'll Come Up With All Sorts Of Excuses Because You Don’t Believe You can do it. but if you identify yourself as someone's who does achieve that particular thing when you get to those impossible moments you will rise to the occasion you will rise because you will believe you can do it.

Even if there's only 1% of people in the world capable of achieving it you'll believe you are in that one percent because you identify yourself as a winner you identify yourself as someone who will do whatever it takes someone who is willing to go through the pain to get to the other side, you identify yourself as someone who will win in the end no matter what think about habits and addictions you want to change if you're a smoker for example no matter what process you got through to change your habit of smoking you'll never change it long-term if you still identify yourself as a smoker.

If you see the process as hard, or see it like it is taking some thing away from you it's taking away your stress release or whatever story you tell Yourself You See The People Who Quit Smoking Without Cravings They Do So because their new identity has changed. They're Not A Smoker Anymore Smoking Is Equal To Death. smoking the bad habit is viewed as something that takes away from their life not adds to it. it's the same for any habit any addition any- thing you want to change in your life.

Change your identity and change the meanings you give to that thing and you'll be able to remove it and replace it with something that takes you to a much better place somewhere you actually want to be you've got to take a moments by yourself and ask some deep and honest questions. you might want to write these down ask them with your answers then after that write down how you want to see yourself. 

So, what is your current identity? how do you view yourself? In Regards To Your Health How Do You View Yourself? are you someone who is healthy? are you someone who has disciplines to eat foods that make you stronger every day? are you someone who exercises every day? if no why not? if yes can you train better, harder differently so you feel at your peak every day? in regards to your achievements in life can you do more? If yes, why haven't you? what is holding you back? Do You Enjoy What You Do For A Living? waht can you change to enjoy the more? How Would You Describe Yourself in 3 Sentences? write it down.

If you were to explain your qualities and struggle in 3 or less sentences to a complete stranger how would you describe yourself? write down whatever comes to your mind. This Is Not About Being Perfect Or Looking Good. this is private, this is honest and if you're real and ready it will lead to change now write down how you want to see yourself  picture one year from today imagine yourself one year from today after all the daily work you've put in to transform your lifes.

Look at yourself from a birds eye view you're looking with pride because you are the exact person you want to be you created this you built this character now write down what qualities this person has write down in 2-3 short sentences who this person is,  is it someone who is completely authentically themselves? is it someone who see smiling all the time? someone with great relationships? Someone Who Lights Up Everyone They Come Into Contact With? is it someone who has crazy amount of physical energy? someone who has unbreakable discipline? but that discipline comes easy? is it someone that makes life look easy and fun? someone who has created the wealth and happiness exactly as they pictured.

Is It Someone Who Learns And Applies That Learning To Achieve Results? Is It Someone Who Keeps Going And Going And Going? who Is that person?  now write one sentence? who are you now? i am someone who lives with passion someone who is discipline with ease. I am someone who only consumes  that which makes me stronger food learning people I am someone who lives every day to the fullest and pushes myself every today so I am stronger every tomorrow. i am someone who knows exactly where they are going so i only take actions that get me closer to that place in every area.

Who are you? who are you? I am someone who lives with passion someone who is discipline with ease I am someone who only consumes that which makes me stronger. food learning people I am someone who lives every day to that fullest and pushes myself every today so I am stronger every tomorrow I am someone who knows exactly where they are going so I only take actions that get me closer to that place in every area. who are you? who are you? You Can Change You Can Create The Life You Want. You Just Have To Decide And Take Action. create that new identity.

Who are you dedicated to be, starting now? let us know in the comments below. support each other change your thoughts and you can change your world. norman change your life today. Don't Gamble On The Future, Act Now, Without Delay.  The Best Preparation For Tomorrow Is Doing Your Best Today. be one of the vee few who are brave enough to let go of their past failures, embrace their current flaws, and accept the challenge of working toward becoming the person they must become in the future. 

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