


It's 2:30 in the morning and you cannot sleeps you roll from one side to the other you pound your pillow nothing helps everyone else sleeps. but not you And so it's 2:30 in the morning it becomes 3:30 and you still haven't slept and anxiety begins to have its way with you another hour Passes You Cover Your Head With A Pillow You Feel Like Crying What A Mess. what does all this anxiety mean all this insecurity all this trepidation all this worry all this restlessness what does it mean. well it means simply this.

You are a human being. You're not stupid You're not emotionally under developed. You're not immature.Your parents didn't fail you. It doesn't mean you failed them. And this is important It does not mean you're not a Christian Christians battle anxiety Jesus did And the Garden of Gethsemane on the night before his crucifixion he prayed for the cup of suffering to be taken away from him And he prayed with such ferocity that that the capillaries burst.

And revelace of of Crimson rolled down his face  battled anxiety. he faced fears But Fought through his fears and surrendered them. to god and fulfilled his mission and anxiety did not win. and such is god's plan for you anxiety comes with life but it doesn't have to dominate your life. god's plan for you is not a life that is drenched in anxiety it is his will that you and i learn to live a life that is characterised by calm and not chaos.

By peace And not panic. You ever felt nearly swamped in your life like I'm still showing up but barely I'm making it I'm smiling but nobody knows what's really behind. this smile the things i think about some days i just want to run away from it all i want to suggest something to you today About the storms of anxiety in your life and the waves and the wins that are blowing in your life because man the winds will blow. they will blow. Absolutely And The Waves Will Break And They Will Crash No Doubt About It.

There are some things that you're afraid of that make no sense from heaven's perspective. there are some things that Are causing you to shut down their paralysing you that our senseless. When you put it in the context of who god is in you and what you mean to him And he says I want you to train your your heart to be anxious for nothing. If you're following after God's purpose you got no reason to ever be anxious for anxious.

Nothing How can came can somebody really live a life in which they're anxious for nothing. Do not let yourself be caught in a state of Perpetual anxiety that's what he's saying. it's impossible to lead a life free of anxiety. But we can discover a life that is void of perpetual anxiety anxiety comes with life but it does not have to dominate. our lives you see anxiety depression and unhappiness they all come from a sense of powerlessness they all come from a sense of powerlessness so when you're powerless.

You feel anxious when you're powerless you feel depressed when your powerless you feel unhappy so the idea. that Powerless over your deaths powerless over the sentence powerless over the battle. that somehow it's up to you to try to make it happen. that will bring you sadness it will bring you anxiety it will bring you so we only get anxious about something because we're not certain about what the outcome is going to be why would you be anxious about something you're sure about.

You know when you rooting for your favourite team when it's live and it's happening and they're and in the game is really close and it's down to the last minute you get anxious about it it's just an example that just shows how our emotions operate you understand the anxiety. when you when it's close and when it's on the edge because you're not sure but let me ask you somethings if you already know and if you're watching you would have no anxiety why because you already know the outcome right see you have no fears and no anxiety when you know the outcome well the outcome of whatever your needs is my god shall supply it.

So when you know the outcome anxiety leaves you. there's a pathway out of the valley of Fret and god has used the apostle paul to sketch the map In this passage from philippians chapter 4 Verses 4 through 8 rejoice in lord always again i will say rejoice let your gentleness be made known to all men the lord is at hand. be anxious for nothing. but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanks giving let your requests be made known to god and the peace of god which surpasses all understanding will guard your hearts and my minds through  person would be hard-pressed to find a passage more practical and applicable to our day and age would you agree.

So what can we do. Paul lists here four helpful ideas for winning the war on worrying. And if you want to move from chaos into calm consider what Paul says first celebrate. Celebrate God's goodness Rejoice in the Lord always the Apostle rights with change dangling from that Roman jail Rejoice in the Lord always he writes with no penny in his pocket. And perhaps the sound of the footsteps of the executioner in the hallway Rejoice in the Lord always he writes beneath the shadow of Nero And the threat to the church.

He says that just rejoice In the lord always His point is don't meditate on the mess. the more you stare at the problem the bigger it gets. the more you stare at the problem the bigger it gets so when you have a problem lift up your eyes and rejoice in the Lord the minute the anxiety comes rather than giving in to the anxiety you lift up your eyes and your rejoice in the lord this was the councel of the psalmist he said i will lift up my eyes to the hills. from whence comes my help my help comes from the lord. who made heaven and earth do you see

The intentionality and those words i will lift up my eyes this was a decision that the psalmist made. the apostle Peter is a testimony to this you remember how when the storm struck the sea of galilee he knew what 10-foot waves could do to a fishing boat. and peter cried out lord if it's really you then command me to come to you on the water in  peter left the boat and walked on the water to but when peter saw the wind and the waves. he became afraid and he began to what sink as long as he kept his eyes on christ.

He was able to do the impossible. but when he saw the wind and the waves. When he turned his gate away from Christ he began to sink if today you feel like you're sinking Or the next time you feel like you're sinking Lift up your eyes. Set your gaze on Christ Rejoice in the Lord Rejoice in his sovereignty. As God greater than your problem. Has got ever faced this problem before. Does God have solutions you've not thought of Has God got you through these types of things before.

Does god have a good track record is got strong is god sovereign his God still on the throne is he over all see how you lift that up You're Rejoicing In The Lord You're Lifting Your Mind Away From The Problems And You're Setting Your Mind On. the one who can solve it do not meditate on the mass. so you Rejoice that's what it means to rejoice in the lord oh I've got a great god I've got a wonderful father i rejoice in the lord And then the apostle says having done that you'll be ready to ask god for help you've calmed yourself down now you ask god for help let your request be made known.

To God You see fear triggers either despair or prayer. So choose wisely God said call on me in the day of trouble  and it will be given to you seeking you will find knocking the door will be opened to you. the path to peace is always paved with prayer that's why the devil doesn't want you to pray the path to peace Is always paved with prayer. the enemy satan would love to shut down your ability to pray in faith when you pray and you take a promise of god and you declare it over your life in whatever area okay the  says to believe you have received it. worry does not believe that anxiety does not believe that the cares of this world do not okay

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