

5 Must Read Books


If you always read what you’re told to. You’re going to become what you’re told to the same as everyone else ordinary mediocre and board. If you’re part of this community here on motivation to study then you know the power of taking things into your own hands, taking your education, your self-development, and you’re learning into your own hands. So that you can open your potential up to be limitless, the following list is not for you if you want to stay comfortable and follow what everyone else is reading or doing most self-improvement.

List like this why is they only feature authors from one set of stories, voices and backgrounds but you already know you already know that you expect to see voices like David Goggins Jay and someone in these article now these books written by these incredible people are amazing but when you only hear from one set of cultures and experiences, you’re missing out on new ways of looking at things if you wanna open up your life and your mind you need to open up.

What you consume and what you learn from assess the landscape around you and assess the landscape inside you and that’s what this list is designed to do if you wanna open up your mind you’ve got to try and draw from as many sources as possible so the five must read books in this list what you expect but they might just they might just be what you need and the five books I’m going to recommend you why I’m no longer talking to white people about race the good immigrant atomic habits, six pillars of self-esteem and daring greatly what you should do is use these books that I’m recommending as a starting point.

This is not a complete list and it’s not meant to be top five list. It’s a list designed to stimulate your ability to think for yourself about the world around you and the world inside you and how the two interact so that you can decide for yourself how you wanna shape both so let’s start with the book that you wouldn’t necessarily expect a book that has over 40,000 reviews on good reads and across these countless reviews.

1. Why I'm No Longer Talking To With People About Race

It's got an average rating of 4.42 out of five and it’s called why i’m no longer talking to white people about race. What does motivation mindset and self improvement have to do with a book like this if you’re not interested in politics, and you just came here for motivation to Quote Words From The Book Directly Not Seeing Race Does Little To Deconstruct Racist Structures, Or Materially Improve The Conditions Which People Of Color Are Subjected To Daily In Order to dismantle, unjust racist structures.

We must see race we must see benefits from their race who is disproportionately impacted by negative stereotypes about their race and to who power privilege is bestowed upon whether they’ve earned it or not because of their race class and gender race is essential to changing the system the mess we are living in is a deliberate one if it was created by people it can be dismantled by people and it can be rebuilt in a way that serves all people rather than a selfish hoarding. 

View Every voice raised against racism chips away at its power, and we cannot afford to stay silent. You can’t heal what you continue to deny include this book because it gave me the profound realization that there’s no such thing as not being political or being neutral politics is something that affects all of our lives. and it’s not something that happens only in the hallways of something that we are part of that as people should drive. And i suggest this book to you to help you think for  yourself believe nothing that I tell you or even the author of this book  tell you so that you make up your own mind.

How does this relate to your own self improvement as you reading think about that? How does this relate to my mindset part of having what is known as a growth mindset is about learning and drawing from all sources? taking what is useful discarding  what isn't and adding your own unique perspective on things and this book is a brilliant starting point there are two structures that affect you and your life.

The internal world, and the external understanding both is key to helping you navigate towards the best possible you and the best possible world. that you wanna to  create book.

Is another bestseller read now by over a million people around the world since it came out just two years ago it’s practical to the point and evidence based is about making tiny.

2. Atomic Habits

Changes that can leave huge waves change in your life. and it’s called atomic habits by James clear in this book again with a rating of almost four a half stars across almost a hunsred thousand reviews, James clear shares his proven framework to improving every single day. If you’re having trouble changing your habits, the problem probably isn’t you the problem is your system and I like this idea because it relieves the pressure on you and place it on your process bad habits repeat themselves again and again not because you don’t wanna change.

Because you have the wrong system for change you don’t rise to the level of goals or motivation you have you failed to the level of your systems and here in this Book you’ll get proven to take you to new heights to learn how you can make time for new habits, even when life gets crazy to overcome a lack of motivation, warp design environments that makes success easier so you can get back on track.

When you fall off course so this is a book that’s gonna help you to reshape how you think about progress and success and give you the tools and the strategies that you need practical way to transform your habits, whether you want to quit smoking, lose weight, reduce stress or achieve any type of goal as James says in a book every action. That You Take Is A Vote For The Type Of Person That You Want To Become.

There’s Not A Single Instance That’s Going To Transform Your Beliefs But As The Votes Build Up So Does The Evidence For Your New Identity. so if you want to be extra ordinary is boiling it down to the most smallest common denying the smallest possible action you can take and it’s these tiny habits that create massive waves of transformation.

3. Six Pillars Of Self-Esteem

Is six pillars of self-esteem Nathaniel Brandon is a book that I recommended time and time again to anyone that wants to be more confident and more purposeful in life. it’s essential reading for any of you who are interested in personal or professional development, especially when it comes to self-confidence and self esteem.

The book demonstrates really compellingly why self esteem is basic to psychological health, achievements, personal happiness and positive relationships and it talks about the six pillars six actions base practices for daily living that provide the foundation for self-esteem and explore the central importance of self-esteem in five areas the workplace parenting, education, psychotherapy, and our culture at large.

It shows us why in today’s chaotic and competitive world self- esteem is fundamental to our personal and professional power of all the judgments that we pass on ourselves in life none of them is as important as the one that we pass on ourselves and is it the type of judgment that we want if self-esteem is something we want to improve. it’s not something you have don't have or but it's a practice and when we say practice it means a discipline of acting a certain way over and again consistently.

It’s not action by fit and starts or even an appropriate response to crisis rather it’s an appropriate and operating way of being day-to-day in big issues and small way of behaving that is a if you combine these ideas with the ideas, you’re gonna get an atomic habits you’re really going to be onto a profound level of change in your life.

4. Daring Greatly

Is daring greatly by Dr. Brené Brown and again this book has got over a hundred thousand reviews and still got a four and half out of five rating on good feet so you know you’re on the right track, researcher and leader Brené Brown office a powerful new vision that encourages you to dare greatly to embrace being vulnerable and imperfect to live whole heartedly and to courageously engage in your best life.

Work is defined by a quote from Theodore Roosevelt who said it’s not the critic who counts not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles or the Door Of Deeds Could Have Done Them Better The Credit  Belongs To The Man Who Is Actually In The Arena Whose Face Is Marred By Dust And Sweat And Blood who strives valiantly who at nose in the end, triumph of high achievement, and worst if he fails at least fails.

While daring greatly every day we experience the uncertainty, risks, and emotional exposure, define what it means to be vulnerable or to dare greatly and that's what This book is going to help you to master whether the arena you’re in is a new relationship water meating a deadline and assignment and exam you have to find the courage to walk with  vulnerability and engage with your full heart and this book is going to help you with that based. on 12 years of research Brené Brown argues that vulnerability.

It’s not a weakness but you’re clearest path to courage and meaningful connection and as she says so eloquently in the book connection is why we’re here is what gives purpose and meaning to our lives. The power that connection holds in our lives was confirmed when the concern about connection emerged as the fear of disconnection. the fear that something we have done or fail to do something about who or where we come from has made us unlovable and unworthy of connection daring greatly is not book that will probably help everyone personally but will help everyone relate to some people in their lives.

Who maybe can’t stay out of their own way or their own head maybe it’s the person who has so much potential scared to try. Maybe it’s a person who crumpled under criticism and book is not about being weak or permissive but daring to be you the real you the real you that not everyone is able to see about daring yourself to be uncomfortable to define boundaries for yourself to envision something outside of what society or culture thinks is cool.

Because we are hard wired to connect with others and it's what gives our lives meaning and purpose speaking of purpose connection with others this final book in this list is not one you’ve heard of probably but it's one you need to read it's a collection of essays ideas and articles they will help you to think differently from a lens and voice you won’t otherwise get finding the Blind spot and filling it it's about learning to accept ourselves especially

When we might feel other more like we don’t been on have ever felt like before what does it mean to fit in how do we fit in and is it something we want is it something we're able to do that the structures around allow us to do and what is it like for the people who really don’t feel that they fit for one reason another.

5. The Good Immigrant

And this book is the good immigrant by nikesh Shukla a collection of writing from 21 different people about their stories and ideas on what it means to belong. to different cultures and to try to fit in as one writer in the book says to be an immigrant good or bad about straddling to homes while snowing you don't really belong to either.

what I found this book helped me to see is what it's like to grow up as part of the Chinese community or the black community or the gujarati community or the Pakistani community in the UK the small day-to day experiences that I wouldn’t ever think about or get to see but l've been written down and shared for me to understand so I can consider.

How I can I be better leader how can be a better friend to the various people that I interact with self improvement it beings with you but it's fulfilled in community  we don't live separate lives. we lived interconnected lives our mindset of that trying to be champions of already being champions. but we seek to improve ourselves.

We want to acknowledge and not deny the external agencies that influence our thinking as well and this book helps you to think about that on a day-to-day basis how can we free our own mind and identities so we're thinking ourselves not because of the environment and society around us and if that’s not self-improvement.


Then what is so I hope you enjoy this article and i to make this refreshing different and some food for thought as possible on your quest to being a remarkable student but also a remarkable and open-minded person and thinker it's the mark of an intelligent mind that you can entertain unique and divergent ideas without necessarily adopting them and that's what I wanted to do here.

Always learn from the same set of books and people we limit ourselves and our thinking and I personally want to continue learning from as many sauce and as many ideas as I can, so I can grow to be as magnificent and open-minded as I can what do you think? Tell me the comments below and read to this article is one thing but taking action is another we’re not about theory here we're about being active participants in our journeys.

So if you want to accept the lowest level of change post a comment book that you're going to in the comments below and if you want to go expert mode challenge then go read all five of these take notes and share them with me on Instagram and at gesher of bx and if you want to learn more about how to find your unique purpose and calling in life

And live the most meaningful life you can based on your best self l've created a free 45 minute training just for you which takes you through the six major causes of unfulfillment in life so that you can avoid them and it's based on the latest science and psychology right now.

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