


You Feel so lost If you alone you a shame you'are concerned about what people are thinking about you right now. you feel that you have no way out you feel that you can't go on this idea that you have of yourself makes you feel that you're not alive anymore it is like walking the earth with no sense of knowing your truth that mistakes that you've made in your life.

You feel that you can't come back from it but I'm here let you know it's just not your time yet To Get To The Best Level In Your Life. It Is Not Your Time Yet To Have That Success Story. who says that you can not t struggle a little bit. who says that you can't stumble do you realize that your best stories are the ones that you triumph from? do you realize that the time that you're falling down. And Having The Ability To Get Up Is The Best Time's pTo Celebrate. because that's when you know.

There is something good about you. there is something special about you. There's something unique about you. I'm Going to lose some battles but I am not done. I'm Going to get pushed back afew times but I'm not done. this is an opportunity for me to get stronger to get better to recognize that ido have work to do because I'm a work in progress. and as long as i'm living i'm progressing in this world.

As Long As You're Living You Are Progressing In This World So Struggle As Much As You Need To. but keep working though your struggles. Don't have regrets because the regrets are only going to make you feel less of who you are. we're not meant to always have a good day, but this is a day to celebrate breathing, to celebrate life, to celebrate another day, to carry on the good fight. and that's what we're doing. Ladies And Gentlemen, We Are Fighting Everyday Of Our Lives.

So don't feel that you have to feel regerts because things are not going the way you want them to go. Sometimes What You Want Ain't Going To Always Be What You Need. we have to realize that it is just not your season and we all got a season. we're all going to live. and Someday, Physically, We're Going To Leave Here. but while you're alive. Just keep living your life. start understanding that these things that you are dealing with are necessary because we have go through it.

Sometimes those things that you are trying to build up, they can crumbles right before you. many opportunities will be given and many of them will be taken away. sometimes being different can be very difficult. and that is when you got to dig in a little bit deeper in yourself. that's when you've got to open up your eyes and open your heart and have an open mind. that you are unique, that you are special, that you do make a difference that you are touching somebody life's

So don't be ashamed. don't have regrets. just live. just make life better get knocked down. just keep getting up again. because If you hearts  beating, you're not dead. You're alive, you're breathing. you got a little bit more fight in you So fight. don't regert. don't be ashamed. don't be afraid. take a chance. Keep taking more a chances. when other people are looking down on you, you keep looking up, but look up and look past the negativity because the once that are looking down, they don't realizes what you're doing to get back up while they looking down, focusing on your failures, focusing on your misery, focusing on your hardships.

They don't realize the fight that you have whitin you that you are not going to quit you're not going to give up. You're not going to regert anything that you have been thought. You're going to embrace it. You're going to suck it up. you are going to pony up and you're going to keep moving forward. you're going to keep climbing up. and if you slip again, you're going to get back up again because death ain't got no business in your life's. right now because you're still alive.

Death has not showed up yet and  knocked on your door said it's over. Death Ain't Got No Business With Your Right Now. so stop dying inside. Stop being regretful and start being thankful be blessed in this life. be blessed in your journey. be blessed in the steps that you take but don't give up. you got this. you need this. you must complete your task. it ain't over yet. Keep going. Keep fighting. Keep breathing. don't quit. Work for it. Earn It Every Day Of Your Life.

Sometimes it is going to get dark but you got to find the light. the light is whitin you believe in you when no one else does understand that your purpose will be fulfilled. it may not be today. it may not be tomorrow. it may not be next weeks, but it is coming. And As Long As You're Alive, You Got To Keeb Going I Want You To Know. ladies and gentlemen, I love you. I believe in you. I trust in you abilities. i trust that you're going to makes it.

But do you trust it? do you believe it? Are you gonna stand on it? No more regrets. you're not dead yet. they have not put anything that relates to death on your box. so fighting and keep living stay strong in your beliefs stay strong in your lifes.   

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