


Fear is a very very real emotion there is not person alive that does not experience fear on some level. Don't you believe that for a minute? i face it all the time fear is so big and so prevalent today nothing produces more failure than does fear it is the fear failure that freezes people before they even start. it is the fear of failure that causes you not to want to deal with the rejection and the potential hurt that failure causes.

So fear cripples you all so many levels. But How Is It That Some People Somehow Manage To Get By?  Anyway what is it that you can do that would help you overcome whatever fear you face well, here's what I was taught and this has helped me in my life. My career, my family, my jobs, my ambition, everything you overcome fear with your dreams.

I want y'all to listen to my closely you overcome fear with your dreams. stave, how my Dreams go, make me overcome my fear causes I want you to listen to me because the dream is everything. the bible says a man without a dream or vision shall perish. the dream everything see if you have no dreams and visions. you'll perish, you will die in fear you will die sitting somewhere in fear without dreams dreams are the counterpoint to all fear.

I want you to dream soppy. I want you want something so incredible I want you to dream of having that if it doesn't happen, you will be miserable, man. If I don't make this dream come true, I'm going to be miserable. i want you to dream so big that not reaching your dreams is unacceptable. you cannot live in this world without the dream and the vision you can live in this world without your mother, your father, your brother, you can live in this world without a wife or husband.

You can live in this world without a lot of things, but what you cannot live in his world without his dreams and visions, you will perish without those you have to dream of something and want something. that's what keeps pushing you forward so if you want to overcome your fear, you do it with your dreams. here's the side note.

God isn going to make your dream come true business Amy he'd do it all the time I'm telling you man, god does it all the time he makes people's dreams come true what are you dreaming about? explore what you're really dreaming about so you can lose your fear. You're afraid to open your business because of your business fail you lose the money

You save that won't open your business because you might lose your job when your boss. dream bigger dream of what opening that business could do for you. the feeling of freedom that you would have, the extra money you could, man, what you could do for you family things you could leave, a legacy of maybe your dream.  A big enough, maybe you got to dream of owinning a large cup, maybe a mom and pop store.

Maybe you dream of climbing the corporate ladder. maybe you're dreaming of becoming the supervisor or the ceo or the covenant you got to dream so big that if this dream don't happen, you'll be miserable. Once you can do that, you can press through your feet. You Can Move Forward You Can Get On With It. I'm telling y'all I was taught to dream so big that you can't imagine your life without living yoga

Let me teach you something how many of you have a dog? how many of you have ever had a dog that had a flea on them? that's everybody you ever seen a flee? one of the smallest insects, really small,  or the smallest insects. but for his height and size and fleet has the highest vertical leap in nature for an insect or fleet can jump has a 36 inch vertical a fleet man can come 36 inches off the ground.

His vertical is 36 the average person cannot do that but a flee can jump 36 inches off the ground. if you capture the fleet and you put them in a manet's jar and you put the lid on it, the fleet, no one thing I got a 36 inch vertical. so here he go, he started jumping but he's going to hit himself on that lead because he got that lid it. But After A While After Getting Knocked Down So Many Times The Flea Makes An Adjustment.

So now the flea only jumps Jack to where he don't get knocked back down, he got 36 vertical but since this lead is on his environment, got him now jumping nowhere near what he can capture some more fleas and put them in there they got 36 verticals but then they start jumping. they find that they keep getting knocked down. they start doing what the other fleas is doing.

Next thing you know, got a jar full of fleas and ain't even using a 36 Inch vertical cause they l got a lid the job. then fleas have babies. Then Babies Is Born Into The Conditions Of The Environment. so now guess what? the kid is born with a 3.600 vertical but because he see his mama and daddy and all his cousins and friends jumping just barely to the roof. you know what he do. 

He duplicates that behavior, the fleet never reaches his potential and cheer. you take the towel off for your manet's you're going to duplicate your surroundings. If You Take An Oak Tree Seed And You Put It In A Two Foot Pot, That Seed Will Never Become The Pak Tree That Oak Trees Are Capable of becoming because it is going to get stifled by the two foot pot.

Now check this out. ain't Nothing Wrong With The Seed The Seed Just Fell Prey To The Environment. you are a seed from god. God made you in his likeness he big, he vast don't you allow your environment to dictate the oak tree that you, because ain't nothing wrong with your seed all,  y'all got this wonderful gift that he gave you at birth all y'all got well, you better believe that now don't die with this gift and don't never use it all y'all got this wonderful. but you got to it, take your seat take your gift.

Get away from these people that's in your life that ain't doing nothing get away from people in your life that is hate. get away from your family members that ain't never open the bills that ain't get away from your family members. They ever followed their dreams. get away from your family members. ain't never been nowhere, but to the family Union ain't never been to a beach. get away from him. get away from him.

I had to do it when i told everybody i was getting into comedy, man oh lord have mercy. You can't get into comment you ain't even funny how you going to make money telling jokes in the beginning, it looked like they was right. I never gave up. all I did was I identified this gear I worte all of my visions down I read them every morning and every night I instilled them in my head. and every time I met somebody, they say, hey man, what you trying to do? I would tell them one of my visions.

Somebody would always say to me, you know, i know a guy that's selling them things right there you ought to talk to him i started scratching stuff off my vision board. my vision board is so vast now, if I showed you what was on it you wouldn't even believe because I dreamed so big. I won't so be because the god I serve is B he's not a small guy. he's a really, really big guy. He goes really, really big stuff. and i expect him to do really, really big stuff for me.

If he had done it for oprah feed and done it for the obama's, whoever got, why can't have this hill, I'm going to do better with it at all no to me, but why you can't have that? That's How You Get What You Want In Life. now, you don't have believe me, but here's the deal. if you keep doing what you've been doing, you going to keep getting what you've been in if you just told you a different way to go about it, you'll need no money.

I just gave you some scriptures you can try. and some principles, If somebody who would come from the bottom and got to this position, I mean told me that this is the way I would try. if I was you, I would try to, ibl bet you to work. There's A Difference Between Your Passion And Your Gift. Your Passion Is Something That You Enjoy Doing. like I'm passionate about golf in A, what I do is I isuck. it's just not what I do. I'm gifted at words I'm gifted at day.

So before you strike off into script writing, determine your gift, whatever it is you're trying to do, you must first determine if it is your gift and don't pursue things that you're  passionate about pursue the things that you are gifted at all of you are gifted. every last one you, god gave you a gift at birth. All of God never created a soul without giving him a gift. all of you have a gift.

your Job Is To Discover The Gift Is Very Simple. It's the thing that you do the absolute best with the least amount of befort that's your god given gifts. anything else you're doing? you're wasting your let's you ain't no singer. you sang it for now. i Don't care how good you sound at the church church. let everybody say they let anybody go up there and say. I wasn't walking by myself with a man. why is y'all saying it, but  they not gifted discover the gift so you should ask yourself.

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