


Eddie Gordon said you can do the easy things life. life is going to be hard, I promise you but if you go out there and do those hard things, I'm talking studying when your friends are partying preparing for an exam one month in advance when your friends are leaving it to the night before if you go about it and do those hard things those things that no one wants to do then life will be easy.

It's choice that you have to make you have to step up and walk that path take that road that lonely dark, cold road that road that so many people don't want to take that's when you're going to truly find yourself why is it that you don't want to grow? Why Is It That You Just 
Settle For The Grades That You're Getting? 
why is it that you just shy away from changing yourself and taking life on like you've got another 100 lifetimes after this why is it? 
because doing well at school, at university 
it's hard.

It's hard getting good grades but we are in charge of the life we live and when you're in charge, you say if it's hard, then do it hard don't allow this to stop you. there is no easy mode in this what is the easiest way to turn your grades around? you attitude about it.  they you decide that you are not working at your full potential. that you decide your grades do not represent.

What you can achieve charles wendell said he said, the longer I live the more I realise the impact attitude has on life. attitude to me is important than facts it's more important than the past than education, than money than circumstances than failures, than successes.
than what other people think, or say, or do it's more important than appearances giftedness,
Or Skill And We Have A Choice  Every Day.

The attitude that we're going to come at life
you cannot change what grades you got in the past you cannot change the exams that filed you can't even change what you did yesterday but you can change how you will attack tomorrow those moments that you Don want to do something when you want to procrastinate. when you think, I'll do it tomorrow that's exactly when you have to go For it.

When things get hard don't ever ask, why me?
dig deep doing and say, try me because I'm stronger than anything you can throw at me
because I've been down that dark path I've been alone, and I rose up above it all if you fail, it's because you're reaching for something that is worth falling for if you fail, it's not over if you fail, fall on your back and look up, if you can look up, you can get up and if you learn, 
then it's not a failure.

You don't lose if you learn grab life by the horns and go for it stop waiting stop looking for other people's approval take a chance take a risk there's nothing worse than regert. and thinking what could have been how bad do you want it? Are you talking about it or are you studying for it? Greatness is no joyride greatness is full of adversity and obstacles. 

How bad do you want it? how dedicated are you to achieving extraordinary grades? when get up in the morning don't look at your emails don't look your phone don't think about yesterday's problem and yesterday's struggles focus.

You gotta make a decision to stop making excuses and get it done there's nobody in this
work that's going to get you what you want you're going to have to go out there and get what you want by studying hard being talented is not good enough.

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