


When you're angry passed off negative unresourceful state you can't do it anything 
well you have one of those days for instance where everything you're doing. You're like
I can't believe I said that I can't believe I did it I'm such a fool right? You've that day?
We've all had that day next day similar situation. You're like wow that was me I did 
really great job. 

You're perfect so one day you're brilliant next day same situation you're brutal that's not talent that's not ability that's the state that you're in so the key to success is not just to have your vision. But to be able to manage the way you feel in the moment spring time has arrived the long night is past and opportunity is here spring always comes just Hang In There When The Night Is Long Hang In There When It's Dark. 

Hang in there in when you can't figure it out and your spring will surely come. I believe anything is possible I live in the world of possibility and i also believe that anything we can accomplish anything with our two hands and just putting in the work with our to hands take advantage of the spring. Just because spring comes you're going to look in the harvest you must do something with it. You must seize the moment.

It is true that the dark time doesn't last forever but here's what you've got to also understand
springdoes n't last forever. In space language we call it a window of opportunity when they get ready to blast off the rockets headed for the moon whatever. There's a certain period of time. 

That's the time you've got to go if you don't go then you've got to wait, for another whole cycle to turn the number one thing that keeps people from succeeding. It's the number one thing that keeps people where they are it's the number one thing that keeps people broke is that they ended up going through their life.

Accepting what they're dealt up doing what they're told and they end up in 50, 60 years old, wondering what tf happened, well I'm going to tell you what happened you talked yourself out of going after what you were supposed to go after you talked yourself out your purpose you talked yourself out of the idea. 

That success is cause and effect. not magic luck or magic fairy dust that's what happened and that's the number one thing that keeps people from succeeding. It's the what if story that they tell themselves over and over and over again as to why they can't move forward and other people can why if they do the work. It's still isn't going to work out success is easy guys it's f**king easy, It's making plan and executing the plan ever day.

It's that easy it's that easy i'm asking you to take advantage of it tell the story pass out the Literature make the calls, conduct the meetings see the people grab and seize this opportunity, like you've never seized anything in your life before to make something remarkable of it take advantage. 

Don't be lazy, especially in the spring don't be distracted especially in the spring right now where we are it's it's more challenging than ever before. What unfortunately we don't get an education on what is it we need to do to develop a level of self- awareness and inner strength and mental resolve so when things happen in life and they're going to happen we can deal with it.

We need to be reminded every day when you've been marginallized, when  you've been dismissed when your sense of self has been destroyed when systems have been put together to deny you access for years, you've been hitting your head up against the wall again and again, and again and again, after a well you become conditioned. And you believe where you are you believe that That's it you where born into that conversation that becomes your reality in order to get out of that creat a new reality for yourself you gotta be hungry.

That's why I worte the book you gotta be hungry I had this mindset that it's I know I'm different because I never, ever accepted that I was supposed to be poor even though I was living in poverty we were poor put i didn't know it but I saw when mama took me on miami  beach I saw how those people living over there and when we came across the Benicia causeway and how we lived in Overtown and liberty city, I said, that's where I want to live that's the kind of life. 

That's appealing to me I was not willing to settle in and my environment there a lot of people that have settled, there are a lot of people who've never been into one. Do you know the 15% of Americans travel only 15%  I haven't been anywhere I wanted to travel around the world not created in life see you want to create a life.

I want you to write this up, create the life that you desire what, what, what are you  talking about ? whave the ability to do that we've been indoctrinated Not educated. Educational curriculums are created by manufacturers. People have been produced mass produced to work in factories hey, you, you have a superpower.

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