


If you're about  to do something  for the first time, chances  are high that you might embarrass yourself,  but what it means is if you're willing  to be the kind of person that  is willing  to embarrass  themselves. It means you're trying something  new it means you're going  for it, when everybody  else sits on  the sidelines  and so one of the things, that I would encourage You To Do Is That When You Feel That  Tingling.  like You're Starting To Hold Yourself  Back  Because You Start  Thinking About What All  Your Friends Are Thinking About, That's  moment to go oh this is what that lady  Was talking about  five, four, three, two, one I'm going for it.

Here's the key to the good life. Learn To Put Everything  yYou've Got Into Everything 
You Do Whatever you are doing,  pull it on it will quickly open up into opportunity or
 quickly disclose  to you that you ought to be doing something else. The delusion is  if 
I had a better  job I'd really pour it on see 
that's the delusion, whatever  you are pour 
it on. don't give  somebody  half a job for 
day's pay. Pour it on see that'll help change your life.

A work to your potential, not you quota  if you want to stay really  motivated, to why people  that have already  made it keep  pushing, it is because  they don't  operate  on quotas they
operate off potential, they're  driven to reach
their potential  this is also tied to their ethical
obligation. They know that they're capable  of
Nobody can  tell you what  you're capable of
You're the only one that knows so work to 
your  potential, not your quota  so how many
Of you believe  in your life that your 
worst day Can  become your best day.

If you turn it around I happen to believe that 
That honestly, the old and a lot of them 
books You  read oh there's a seed of every 
adversity. There's a  seed of  greatness, you've 
all heard That before but it's actually true. 
If you were to go back in your life some of the  greatest Trials and tribulations difficulties  you've gone  through have ended up producing out Most beautiful  things in your life is 
that true, Yes even when you don't  want 
it to be  there  You can't  stop  yourself right now from thinking  you can't do it it's going on 
and so learning  how to empower  yourself. 
Part of doing that is standing up to yourself.

And I'm telling you  if you can apply  this particular  principle, this like a key that's 
gonna  unlock all doors  I need you to deal.
With the problem  I don't care how complex,
I don't care  how big, I don't care how small 
the  problem is the secret is  an actually
dealing  with it. You'll get scared  sometimes.
Your mind will go blank  on you some people you will allow  to unnerve you and you 
wonder What's wrong with me I'm not 
crazy. That's why you got to learn to make a conscious, deliberate, determined, effort 
to stand up Inside yourself  working on yourself.

Watching  That Inner Dialogue  It Will
Determine The Quality Of Your Life. You 
can be a History maker, or you can be liked
 by everyone  around you, you can't be both 
Imean  the very  nature  of living, your 
personal greatness and doing  something, 
Other worldly in our  world of ours means you're  going to have to think  differently  
from the majority,  you're going to have to install The habits and  routines. The most
 people  don't do you're  going  to have to live  talk, Breathe,  walk,  work,  produce, create in away.

That most people who are card carrying
members of the  cult of  mediocrity. Just Don't 
 by into, when you  look  at most people Out 
on the world  today  and this is not judging, this is just  reporting, but they're addicted  to 
entertainment. They love gossiping  they're negative they're toxic. anyone who wants
 to do anything great. They want  to be bring
 them down they  dismiss the game  changers.
 And they're  just Coasting through  life.
 And so the very nature of you stepping 
 up your game, living your greatest potential 
owing your craft.

Dominating your  field  living  a life that's  legendary means,  you're going to have to 
leave  the 5% and make  a decision, to live as 
very few people do think about that now see Ithink that when you decide  to take a leap  and you handle the challenges that  you're Facing, read  something about fear. 
That one of the things that keeps us from 
beginning To live life. Here's  what happened  this guy. John  Rogers wrote  it, he said, when people Take the courage to journey  into  the centre Of Their Fear, They  Find Nothing It Is Only  Many  layers of fear being  afraid of itself  And Eleanor Roosevelt  said.

You'll gain strength, courage. And confidence
By Every Experience  And Which You Really StopTo look  fear in the face, you able to say 
to yourself l''ve lived through  this horror. 
i can take the next  thing  that comes  along.
You must  do the thing  you cannot  do, see
That's  what the volcano is it is the thing 
that we cannot  do, and  because  it is 
that we must do that once  fear is  acted  
upon the death  of fear is certain.

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