



life is not just the passing of time. life is a collection of experiences their frequency  and their intensity life is not just watching the  clock tick away.

Life is a collection of experiences

their intensity  their frequency love, a job you find joy from. Is not something you discover
It's not  like I found love here it is  I found a job I love  that's not  how It works  both of those things require hard work you are in love  because  you work very hard. Every single day of your life  to stay in love  you Find A Job That Brings You Ultimate Joy, Because You Work Hard  Every Single Day. To serve those around you and you maintain that joy it's not discovery but the problem is the  sense of impatience  it's as if an entire generation Is standing at the foot of a mountain they know exactly  what they want.

what they can't see is the mountain.

The large immovable object  life career fulfilment relationships are journeys the problem is this entire generation. Has an institutionaliszed  sense of impatience  and do they have the patience. To Go On The Journey  To Maintain Love. To feel fulfille, or do they just quit and on to the next  dump and on to the next? Ghost and on to the next  god didn't bring you in the this world to be average. God didn't bring you  into this world. to Wake Up And Die One Day And Just Be Another Person That Lived And Died.  And didn't do anything significant In his world.

You're still alive so there fore god is not done with you you're still  here god has plan for your life god has things  in mind for you beyond  anything you could ever imagine But you 
know what I discovered. When you are working at your dream somebody said the harder the battle.

the sweeter the victory

alway sweet to you. it's good to you why ?  See when it's hard and there's a struggle  see what you become in the process is more important than the dream that's far more important  the kind of person you become  the character that you build the courage  that you  develop. the faith that you're manifesting  oh it's something that You get up in the morning you look yourself in the mirror you're different kind of person you walk a different kind of spirit. And People Know  That You Know What Life Is That You Have Embraced Life. You know it was hard but you did it hard key phrase Self- protection leads to mediocrity, SELF- service leads to fortune self- investment leads to fortune if you want to get rich you want be really successful. 

When i Say Rich i'm Not Talking About Money i'm Talking About A Rch Life Freedom Time With Family Choices Get To Do What You Want.
You get to move where you want  go where you want do what you want my dad died when he was 52 years old mu dad worked his whole life to provide for five kids and his wife and he did his job and then he died. That's not the program I want to get on is that the program you want to be on My dad dieed his dream. He bought his dream house 9 months before he died he leaves two 10 year Old boys one of me I'm a twin, two 10 years old boys never got to enjoy us. I never got to enjoy him why ? Because he works so hard With no concept to freedom.

He had a good job he made some money buy he is basically imprisoned in his thinking
that work is hard there's a bigger dream waiting for you just waiting for you  step into it. to step into it your life is big your life is huge and we spend so much time waiting to be in somebody else is life. And you don't get honored  you don't get revered you don't get celebrating Waiting  what somebody else has because that which created you divine. Intelligence to dreamed you from before your ancestors ever knew They would become your ancestors. that  would dream thr seed of you wants you to know  
how special how wondrous.

how mysterious how complex how glorious, 
how phenomenal you are and you get no 
credit messing in somebody else's territory. 
Or trying to have power, over something you have no control another one of my favorite. 
teachings is the wizard OF Oz when the witch Of the west says go away from here Cause You Don't have any power here. You have no power in any territory other than your own oh  but you are the master of that you get to be the master of your own fate you  get to be the captain of your own soul. And if just manage that if you just took care of your territory oh, all the glorious,  glorious, glorious, wondrous, wondrous, opportunity and possibilities.

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