



What does the quran and sunnah tell us about Betting with that type of stress. What do you learn from the first thoughts, that comes frome from Believers. As they enter jannah, may Allah make us amongst them.


Alhamdulilah no More worring that shows us dear Muslims that this world is associated. 
With feeling anxious. This world every step every single part, of our journey every day. every week. every month. there's something
else that's going to Bring us anxiety and grief.

changed you dear brothers, and sisters, look back at any  phase of your life. When things
are good were worried,  that  things are gonna 
go bad. Whan are things bad. We're worried, 
things are bad. When money is wealthy a lot we're worried. 

Is going to go away investment is going to go 
down. When money is tight where worried 
money is tight. There is no situation or 
scenario that  we find ourselves in excep
that there's some anxiety some grief.
 somewhere true not all anxiety is the same.

Alhamdulilah we have roof over our heads and food in the pantry, and fridge Alhamdulilah 
that is much better than those who do not 
have security and food. But still feeling 
anxiety, worried stressed out is a part and 
parcel of being human. 

It will only be completely gone When we enter jannah. and that is why dear brothers and
sisters. it ls So lmportant That We Understand
And We Tackle Head-On The Reality Of Stress And Grief.

And make it a part of our daily discourse that it is nothing wrong to feel anxious you don't have to feel guilty. for feeling stressed out  especially in this time of pandemic, I mean how can we not be anxious Worried. Stressed out people are dying  everyone amongst us has had family or friends. 

That have passed away on top of this we have limited. Socialization Some Of The Things That Would Relieve, Our Stress Was To Be With Friends, And Family, that to has been taken away anxiety in terms of money so many of us our job situations. 

Maybe even we're  looking for jobs, and in this pandemic  families Being cooped, up it should bring more love but  that reality is with that  love also comes tension.

Sometimes between husband. and wife.
between father. and son. it becomes worse
because You're All Cooped up So No Doubt During This Time Frame This Pandemic 
It's  Understandable. then anxiety and stress 
and grief And worry is going to increase.


What does the quran and sunnah tell us about Battling  with that type of stress first and foremost dear Muslims realize that the quran tells us that people of piety. can  Stress 
People Of Taqwa Feel Anxious The Fact That You're Stressed Out Doesn't Mean You Have Bad Iman.


No this is wrong  people of taqwa and people of iman also feel stressed out look at the quran so many examples Allah s.w.t. Tells Us That The Mother Of Musa She Was Full Of Grief. 

When she put musa in that basket. And it went away Allah azzawajal. Said to her don't be worried, Don't stress out, she was worried and stressed out Allah revealed to her indirectly. that calm down mariam. As. One of the greatest when she was all alone she had no friend no companion.

And she was giving birth she was stressed 
out Allah azzawajal sent an angel to tell 
her don't worry. she was worried the fact 
that she was maryam. Did not negate that 
she was worried. Her iman was one place and worry was another place, they are not mutually exclusive. We learn in the quran that yaqub. As. Was stressed out in fact he the was so stressed out that.

That anxiety. Caused him to lose his sight. 
Because of anxiety his eyes did not work 
the way they were supposed to yaqub .As. is
a prophet is anybody going to accuse yaqub of not having faith not having iman. Way are 
you stressed out yaqub .As. don't you have 
iman in Allah feeling stress and iman are not mutually, exclusive you can have both together. 

We have in the quran as well abu bakar Al 
sidiq was worried in the gari thawr and 
the prophet S.A.W. calmed him down. The prophet S.A.W. himself said that don't worry, 
Allah azzawajal is with us and even the sahaba. Multiple times Allah azzawajal tells them
 sometimes even for financial issues.

You know the stock market crashes many of 
us might feel anxious we lose our 401k 
something happens. We're gonna feel 
stressed, we get out of a job there's gonna
be anxiety. let not that stress become itself.  

A source of stress You get my point here let not your stress itself cause you to be more stressed out. Then why am i feeling stress. It's okay to be anxious. It's okay to be worried. You have iman and you can still feel worried.

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