


Everyone here is either a self- made millionaire. Or you intend to be in the future. Everybody loves  the subject. Of becoming wealthy.  and then I'm  going to give you seven keys.  to becoming  an outstanding  leader in this industry and to becoming  one of the highest  paid people  in our  society and  becoming  wealthy.

And the wonderful thing is they're not complicated in order to become a millionaire You have to become a completely. different person. You have to develop character, beyond 99% of the people in the world  you have  to develop honesty  and discipline and quality  relationships, and  the willingness. and tha ability to work and set priorities and aAl  Kinds Of Stuff.Because without that nothing is possible it's the first one of all is dream Big dreams.

You couldn't believe it every single person  who finally  made it said  the turning. point in their life they were driving  down. the road of life.not making much progress. which is at  the 8020 rule that you hear 80%of people make 20% of the  money  and I'm sorry. 20% of the people make 80% of the money.and  what happens at a certain point in life.

they change  and go on a different  road, an here's  the turning point, it is making a decision, make a decision, that I'm going to become  wealthy or I'm going to become a millionaire  and i will work  hard. long  hours.Iwill sacrifice. iwill  pay the price. I will do everything. that is necessary so I wanted to share with you  what I call the seven sea.

So the first  sea is the key of clarity.  Clarity Is my favourite  word and success  it's my favourite word  in business I have  done consulting for more  than a thousand corporations. Large  companies. Worldwide. companies like IBM general  motors pepsico Bank of America I mean big companies. and  l've also worked with more than 10,000 small and medium sized companies. And what I found is in every single situation. 

problem occur when  the company  becomes unclear about what it is  they're doing or how it is they're doing it.and so l've develop a program  which is really  just a fun program for me it's actually  called  the two day MBA  and it's shows ten different  factors of a company  and these are the ones that I learned when i weant back to the university in my thirties. And I find all our problems come from a lack of clarity.

1 what is you product ?

the first question you ask

2 who is your customer  ?

3 what does your customer consider to be more valuable than anything else  ?

4 how are you superior to you competitor  ?

5 what can you do to attract more customer ?

6 how can you close those customer ?

Number two is write it down write it down 

write it down there's nothing more importantthan writing down your goals. Because if it's not written down it's merely a fantasy They've done a whole series of studies at harvard and yale. And cornell and so on but the different between. Students who type their notes. And students who write. Their Notes The Students Who Write The Notes All Get Straight a"s. Students who type their notes.

For get everything before. The and of the day.  Because  writing  forces you to use three abilities your kinesthetic ability. Your physical ability of writing, your  audio, ability.  You see it when you're writing. It and your auditory ability. You say it to yourself. When you're  writing so you  activate the three major parts of your brain simultaneously. like a laser beam from a space station onto a prece of paper.

and your subconscious mind accepts it  as a command  as a command. And your  super God is just mind starts to work on it. 24 hours a day  just write it down write it down. and it's  the most amazing darn thing if all you did was write down one goal and leave this conference, your life will be different. forever.

and because there are all kinds of things will start to happen. and you'll say, well, that's a coincidence I just wrote that goal down when I was in that meeting this afternoon. And then I'm get this phone call or something in the mail or i saw something on tv or so it was  just it's just  phenomenal,  phenomenal, so step number one, right.  Decide what  you want number two, write it down. Number three.  set a deadline tell yourself  when you want it i want this by such and such  a date.

so Every Goal Always Ends With A Use By Date. As in. I achieved  this goal by this date. And you write it in the present tense. Step number  four  is make a list of everything that you could think of to do. just make a list. and As You Think Of More Things Add It To The  List. Keep writing it down writing it down.

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