


My beloved brothers. and dearest sisters.if you look at. the teachings of Islam, every time there is something Allah has instructed you to do he asks you to do it more than just once besides the hajj, where in he says indeed Allah has made it incumbent upon the people to fulfill the hajj, who so ever is able and capable to do it and the explanation. 

of it teaches us that the compulsion is only once in a lifetime if you want to do it more than that and you are able and permitted then it's okay but the compulsory nature of it would only be once for those who can manage however if you look at prayer five times a day every single day you need a lot of discipline. to fulfill that so there must be a reason why Allah wants us to be discipline and fulfill it every day similarly. when Allah created the night and day he made it rotate. Allah causes the night. 

to go into the day and the day. to go into the night. When the night is long the day becomes short, and when the day is long the night becomes short, and so on these are part of the creatures of Allah moving and rotating in a way that will help us as humankind to be discipline, there is a night that will come this evening  and Allah says he created night in order for you to recline and res, and day in order for you to work, during the day light you can see more clearly. 

You are more well equipped to actually work hard and the night the bulk of us are resting besides those who have a night shift or those who are guide sometimes or those who are perhaps taking care of something important at the time the prophet peace be upon him, says if you don't have something important to do go to bed recline it's better for you medicine will tell you that the sleep, of the first few hours of the night his far more enriching than the sleep, later on and this is why we do believe in the notion early to bed early to rice etc, etc, etc, it makes you healthy. 

I don't know about wealthy. but I do know wise wealthy. too my brothers and sisters if get up early in the morning and you're keen on going to work and working hard with that dedication you become wealthy meaning you will not be  a lazy person my brothers my sisters thing about it for a moment when you give you charities, you are told to give them regularly the zaka is compulsory on a year every year you have to calculate what you're worth on a regular basis you are told to give  out  a daily sadaqa, how is that this is something Allah wents from you discipline,

Allah wants you to do it every day you get up in the morning you make sure you are up because if you're not then it's only you to blame do you know that man's body is created in a way that it becomes used to certain things that it has made it self used to subhanallah it might sound strange but that exactly how it is if you got yourself. used to something. Chances are you're not going to be able to quit in a long time you will need power. you will need conviction. you will need to be really strong, to get rid of something that you want to get rid of that you got yourself, 

Used to people say if he's clcoked 40 an he still has the bad chances. are he's not going to give it up I want to tell you that that's true if you have will pawor, you can give it up now. If you have strength you can give it up now no matter what the bad habit is you can give it up you need the will pawor, you need help of Allah. you need to replace it with something that is going occupy you in a better way fulfilling those who are alcoholics.  For example you can cut it now that's what it is you don't need to say oh you now I'm addicted, i but you will have to change your habits. 

You will have to change so much you might have to change your circle of friends you will have to change perhaps your phone number you might even have to shift, out the area if you're living in an area that is causing the problem. you must identify. that bad habit is it because of the friends I have then you've change them is it because of where I live then you've got to move out of there is it because of perhaps my usage of the Internet then cut it out or make sure that you left someone in whom you are whom you look up to you let them in to what to your usage of the net they can go in at any time and tell you my brothers. my sisters. don't do this similarly, when we talk of company, do you know sometimes your bad habits,

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